Andorra. Between valleys and mountains.
If you like hiking but you like eating and sleeping well, this is the trip for you!

Join us in this mountain gateway. We discover four amazing valleys in Andorra, a small country in the heart of the Pyrenees.
We will visit the mountains and the forests and we will get into the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley (UNESCO patrimony), we will explore Incles Valley, and we will discover the circle of mountains of the Tristaina Lakes andwe will climb the famous Montmalús peak.
We will do hiking to find lakes, mountain meadows and fantastic places. But don’t worry, we will eat and sleep in a nice hotel in Andorra.
Day 1.
We will meet in Andorra and after a short briefing we will go to our first activity.
Els Llacs de Tristaina are a group of three high mountain lakes in the parish of Ordino, in the northwest of Andorra.
About 2.300 metres of altitude, and surrounded by peaks of more than 2.800 metres, these lakes get the cold water from the high mountain and they allow us to enjoy the amazing reflection of the near peaks in their transparent water.
We will go up progressively to the plateau where there are the lakes doing a circular route over these on the circus glacier of Tristaina. In this way we will be able to see the nice view of the area.
Then we will go down to the lake’s shore and we will walk around the three lakes. The biggest first and the smallest last. If anybody wants to have a bath in transparent and cold, very cold water,it is certainly possible.
We will return to our car on a different path and we will go to the hotel.
Dinner and night at the hotel.
Level (1-5) 2
8 km / 500 m positive slope
4/5 h
Day 2.
Today, after breakfast, we will go to Incles Valley.
This valley is in the parish of Canillo and it is a glacier valley in U-shape that looks as if it was stopped in time, preserving its wild appearance.
When we enter the Incles Valley we find one of the biggest and most open valleys in Andorra. But, step by step, the valley is closing and it offers us its more alpine face.
Our route starts in the Pont de la Baladosa. We will go up to the east on a wide path. Gradually, the path becomes narrower and steeper until we arrive to the biggest lake in Andorra, Estany de Juclar, and the Juclar shelter.
Now we can choose two routes. One short way and another longer one. Our strength will decide for us.
Both different routes will lead us to the car, but they are both nice.
Dinner and night at the hotel.
Level (1-5) 4 or 3
15 km or 10 km / 950 m or 700 m positive slope
6/8 h
Day 3
Today is a long day. We need to get a good breakfast because we will go on a long journey.
The Madriu-Claror-Perafita Valley was declared UNESCO patrimony in 2004, in cultural landscape category. In all the worldthere are only 84 similar places.
The whole of the Madriu-Claror-Perafita Valley is a joint work of man and nature of great exceptionality and with important aesthetic, historical and cultural values.
We find circus glacier, birch forests, alpine meadows, various species of endangeredspecies (bearded vultures, grouse ...),as well as the passage of man with the construction of country houses, dry stone walls, bundles ...
We will begin our route ascending through the Perafita Valley accompanied by the river which has the same name. Theroute is hard but the environment makes it easier.
Now the landscape changes radically. The forest gives way to the alpine meadows. We will continue the course of the Claror River and, after passing through the highest point of our route, we will arrive at Estany de la Nou, which is said to be the most beautiful lake in Andorra.
We return to the Pont de Ramio and descend through the Madriu River.
Dinner and night at the hotel.
Level (1-5) 4
13 km / 1.000 m positive slope
7/8 h
Day 4
We have breakfast and we start the last day with the excursion to the Montmalús peak.
Today we are going to go on a different excursion. Let’s go up to Montmalús.
Near the ski resort of Pas de la Casa - Grau Roig we find Montmalús, a beautiful peak of 2.781 meters. Located at the beginning of the PessonsCircus,climbing to its summit allows us to have an excellent overview of the whole circus, the Estany de Montmalús and the Serra del Cadí.
We will leave the parking of the Cubil, in Grau Roig, and we will walk on the ski slope. Soon we will turn left and we will start a smooth and steady ascent to the hill. Now a short ramp leaves us at the top of Montmalús. The descent will be made through the Circ dels Colells until we find the ski slopes again and arrive at the end point of our route.
Level (1-5) 3
11 km / 850 m positive slope
5/6 h
Farewell and end of trip.
This trip can be modified due tobad weather conditions, the skill level of the group or for organization’s reasons.
May - June - July
August - September October
Andorra is the Pyrenees country.
You will know a UNESCO patrimony valley.
You will discover four amazing and different places.
You will climba famous peak.
You will eat and sleep in a nice hotel.